Saturday, March 2, 2013

Cocaine and Whores on the Strip Wid Star & Buc Wild

New York radio with Star and Buc was IT my G!!!! I was actually in NYC when they did the notorious Super Head interview where Method Man, and Ma Barker both called in!!!! My X Girl STILL hates me for that trip because I talked her into takin my broke ass rap buddies wid me and flipped our romantic trip into a meeting wid Motown records in which they told us that we needed a record like "My Neck and My Back" lol....b/u/t anyways....THESE BROTHERS INSPIRE ME as a indy artist (and a winner!!!!) on so many levels!!! THANKAVELLI!!! Checko0 Techo el negroe!!!- fatherama (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

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